Wednesday, March 11, 2009

:( I'm sick

I am REALLY not feeling well and as much as I would like to go down to my craft room and stamp while I have the day off, I just don't feel like it :(  I have the monthly blues :(  with the cysts that I have it seems as if things are getting worse month by month- I will have to schedule an appointment with the doctor really soon to figure out what the deal is.  Well, Marc and I gave Sushi a home hair cut.  And while he is MUCH happier without all the hair knaps, he looks like he got in a fight with the razor!!!  I was really careful not to knick him (in fact I was almost in tears at one point I was so worried I was gonna cut him) but he still looks like heck, oh well, it'll grow out.  I told Marc that if we had company that we would have to hide him, he just looks SO ridiculous!!!  

Got back from regionals on Saturday and had a REALLY fun time.  I met up with some of the folks from  and learned quite a few new tricks!!!  I will post some pics once my computer decides it wants to download them.

I was also able to get some more of the white 'store n style' from Michaels last week and just need to get a desk top and my sewing closet will be ready to go.  I would like to paint in there first though.  So once it gets a bit warmer out I am going to be working on that project.  I am still in the market for a new sewing/embroidery machine.  I have my eye on a couple but I need to pay off a few other bills first.  Well, off to make some dinner!!!!

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